On March 10th, Hokkaido University (HU) School of Medicine welcomed four exchange students; Ms. Supapitch Chanthong, Mr. Chinnaphat Chaiwattanateerakorn, Mr. Jakrapat Sawatruangand and Ms. Pathitta Doradee from Thailand.
They are 4th-year medical students at Mahidol University, Thailand.
On March 6th, they started their 3-weeks clinical electives at HU School of Medicine.
They seem to be surprised by the cold weather of Sapporo but are learning at their respective departments with enthusiasm.
If you see them, please say hello and make them feel at home!

(back row left to right) Ms. Supapitch Chanthong, Mr. Chinnaphat Chaiwattanateerakorn, Mr. Jakrapat Sawatruangand and Ms. Pathitta Doradee (front row left to right) Professor Yoshioka (Vice Dean), Professor Kasahara (Dean) and Dr. Murakami (International Relations Division, Center for Medical Education and International Relations)