Welcoming Exchange Students from United Arab Emirates (UAE)

On July 3, Hokkaido University (HU) School of Medicine welcomed six medical students from United Arab Emirates University (UAEU). They all started out their four-weeks clinical or research electives at HU School of Medicine.

(back row left to right) Ms. Maryam Hussain Sajwani, Ms. Sahar Nayef Almansoori, Ms. Fatima Sultan Aldhaheri, Ms. Hajar Musabbeh Alsaedi and Ms. Jawahir Saeed Alameri (front row left to right) Professor Hatakeyama (Vice Dean), Professor Yoshioka (Dean) and Dr. Murakami (International Relations Division, Center for Medical Education and International Relations)

On July 4, these UAEU students made nice presentation at International Day.

If you see them around, please say hello and make them feel at home!