On January 15th, the School of Medicine welcomed two medical students; Mr. Kim, Soowouk and Mr. Park, Jaeheon from Kyungpook National University, Korea. This is the second year that we welcome exchange students from Kyungpook National University.
They have just started their 4-weeks clinical attachment. Mr. Kim, Soowouk is going to lotate the Department of Pediatrics and the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Mr. Park, Jaeheon is going to lotate the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and the Department of Respiratory Medicine.
If you see them around, please say hello or Konnichiwa and make them feel at home!

(back row left to right ) Mr. Kim, Soowouk and Mr. Park, Jaeheon (front row left to right) Professor Hatakeyama (Vice Dean), Professor Yoshioka (Dean) and Dr. Murakami (International Relations Division, Center for Medical Education and International Relations)